Thursday, April 27, 2006

not for the world

where are you?
in my world

in your solitude
only thinking of me

are you being fair
unlike the world?

what do i need more?
fairness or love?

what can i give?
to make it fair

not for the world
but for you and me


Anonymous said...

too often we wonder
and end up in blunder

too often perhaps i may be asking
i hardly know u but for u im falling

too often love is held out to share
some end up happy others despair

you ask, am i in despair?
why shouldnt i because i really care
but too afraid to be there

thats why im here
still hidden in shadowy fear

only wishing the best wishes
on you
and if my wishes come true

i will be happy
omg... im sounding sappy.

Anonymous said...

Miami!! u didnt tell me u've gots lots of dem admirers in do i need to take a queue number? :P
Or do i first need to queue, just to take a number???
Spare me a lowdown on ur flooze-juice sweety, i jz HAFTA learn frm u!
Erm, hehe.