Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One ability that we all have is to
And only the gifted ones has the ability to

This Is What I've Found

Life has always been
like this. Never
how I pictured it to be.

Where I'm lost,
where have I been?
Will I be found?

And You
found me with your kiss.
This is the life become.
This is what I've found.

Let me share this.
Come closer
And give me a kiss.

In My Heart You Never Leave

As with the river flow
My soul fill the heart with hope
High the bird in the sky
Strong my spirit surrendering to faith

A dream broken by sun kiss
Into reality of living fantasy
Knowing you are happy
It feel the same for me

Your smile gone before my eyes
It kept my heart dreaming
In fantasy In reality
In my heart, you never leave