Thursday, October 04, 2007


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Love Can Be Found Anywhere
But Not Anyhow

Divine Soul

A divine soul never tired
Searching for the light of life
Beauty in every kind
Even in its sleep
Dreaming with joy
When sun kisses its skin
Its dream continues living
We're not far from our dream
We just never get out of the dream

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One ability that we all have is to
And only the gifted ones has the ability to

This Is What I've Found

Life has always been
like this. Never
how I pictured it to be.

Where I'm lost,
where have I been?
Will I be found?

And You
found me with your kiss.
This is the life become.
This is what I've found.

Let me share this.
Come closer
And give me a kiss.

In My Heart You Never Leave

As with the river flow
My soul fill the heart with hope
High the bird in the sky
Strong my spirit surrendering to faith

A dream broken by sun kiss
Into reality of living fantasy
Knowing you are happy
It feel the same for me

Your smile gone before my eyes
It kept my heart dreaming
In fantasy In reality
In my heart, you never leave

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

From Within

What I've lost is not forever.
For what I've found from within,
never get lost in me
For what I've found in me, is you.
In you, I've lost myself within.

I Saw Your Light

Last night I saw your light
All night I tried to stay awake
Though lost in my lonesomeness dream
Brighter your light became the next day

Thursday, February 08, 2007

12 years

12 years ago,
your smile woke me up 1 night
12 years now,
your smile is what I wake up to

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dance In Your Light

The nightingale is singing
its sweet lullaby.
The night has left
us alone in its silent.
My soul is longing
to dance with your heart.
Open your heart
burn my soul with your light.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Let The Rain Wet Our Souls

Let the rain wet our souls
Warm the night
with our burning desires
Let make love
and meet our hearts
And live our life
two hearts in one

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

If I sing sweeter
than the nightingale,
Will you be brighter
than the sun tomorrow?


Tie a man to a tree
Days he lives with
thirst and hunger
Tie a man to loneliness
Immediately he will die