Friday, December 30, 2005

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm A Dreamer

I'm A Dreamer
Believer In Dreams.
For I've Dreamt
Of A Girl Like You.
Now That I've Met You.
Dream I'll
And Continue To Believe.
That One Day
I'll Live The Dreams
I Had About You.
Though I've Dreamt
You'll Never Be Mine.
Dream I'll
And Continue To Believe.
I'm A Dreamer
Believer In Dreams.


I've never come
this far with love.
The deeper it gets
more beautiful it becomes.
Further I wanna go.
To bring the innermost
beauty in you.
Make the best of me.

We've have grown
this far together.
It has not
always been easy.
Further come with me.
To live our fantasy
you and me.
Like we always dream.

Friday, December 23, 2005


I've fallen,
to many times.
And every fall,
n never fails
to help me up.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Secret Garden

I've seen
gardens like this.

Dancing flowers.
Chanting wind.

Field so green.
You can lie naked
not feeling an itch.

Where is the secret
that is written on the signage?

An old man walked pass
with his feet off the ground.
And I asked,
My sir, so what is the secret?

My son, wash the dirt off your feet.
And the secret will be yours to keep.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Who is that mysterious girl?

Who is that
mysterious girl?

Whose smile
so bright.
Casting a shadow
dancing gracefully.

Who is that
mysterious girl?

Come out
shine on me.
Let me be part of
this jovial funfair.

Who is that
mysterious girl?

Time will
come and reveal.
Who is that
mysterious girl?

Friday, December 16, 2005

every word
has its meaning.
has a soul.
every soul
needs love.

know the meaning
of love.

know the soul
in everyone.
before finding
love for the soul.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

fill me fill me fill me

those who love to sing
can't stop dancing
and a smile to fly me

fill me fill me fill me

for I'm blank
just wanna sing, dance
and fly

fill me fill me fill me
* lil india *

If I

If I know the
Will you ask

If I hold the


Will you open the

If I hold your
Will you let go?

Ask me, love
So I'll open the door
To hold your hand.

Empty Without

I Can Write
Thousands Of Words

To Describe You.

I Can Sing

All Night Long

About You.

I Can Paint

Of Your Beautiful Face.

Still I'll Feel
You In Me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Year 1994

The year was 1994
1st time
I watched a movie, Aladdin
With a girl
The theatre is now closed
Only the name
Capitol Theatre, standing still
How time flies
Like it was yesterday
Now what's left
Are good memories
That keep on flashing
Each time
I walked pass the building
Though we're no longer
In touch of each other
I'll remember
The year 1994
The theatre
The girl, Quek Si Jin.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Let the good memories
be the fuel
to the burning sensation.
Let the light
guide us through
the bad times.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


I kept the door opened
All night long

Waiting for you.

Nights after nights

The wine cell is getting empty

Here I am, still waiting for you.

Now that I realized

You did came

But was too drunk to welcome you.

Come and greet me again, shine

Everything seem dark
Without your light.


are you staying?

if you're not,
teach me how to fly
before you leave.
so i won't miss
those times
i hooked on your wings.

if you are.
let me be the legs
that walk you.
the shoulders
you lean on.
if you ever hurt your wings.

i rather you stay.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Things you wish for
you might not always

Things in front of you

more often you don't

Thursday, December 08, 2005

take me away

take me away
to the fantasy land
let the rai
nbow color
my skin
flowers dancing
around me
butterflies holding
me up high
so take me away

take me away
my lil fairy
embark me
on your journey
to begin
our own fantasy
& make me believe
Peter Pan is me
so take me away

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

colors on your wings

fly in

fill me
paint the
with the

beautiful colors
your wings