Tuesday, January 31, 2006


With my eyes I see
With my heart I feel

Your beauty attracts me
Your kindness has touched my soul

Monday, January 30, 2006

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I yearn

I yearn for a kiss
from you who I miss.
I want to breathe the air above
on the back of your wings.

Upon a star I wished
to revive the moments we lived.
Flap your wings, my lil fairy
for it is you who I miss.


hold my hand
be the world
i'm living in

Oh Tonight, You're So Beautiful

Oh Tonight,
You're So Beautiful.
Making The Fishes Dancing
Out Of The Sea.
The Wind Spinning In Ecstasy.
Be By My Side When
I Wake.
Stay Will You?

Oh Tonight,
You're So Beautiful.
Pour The Wine
Take Me Higher.
Closer To You.
Warn Me You Did
Listen I Didn't.
All I Want Is To Be With You.

Oh Tonight,
You're Beautiful.
Only Too Flushed
To Believe.
Mine You'll Be.
An Owl I Become
Staying Up All Night.
Just To Watch You.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Oblivious You

You ran
across the west to the east.
You wanna
rise with the sun.
You arrived
just as the sun set.
You carried on
with your chase.
You're oblivious
what you're chasing.
You ignored
the blooming moon.

here i am still

darkness seems bright
eversince you smiled at me.
loneliness walked away
eversince you held my hand.

though now

the light is diminishing
behind the clouds of reality.
emptiness fill my hand
as you are not beside me.

here i am still

with the light in my hand
shining your way in somber days.
when you need
with open arms i be.

junction 9

* courtesy of dha *

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fly Over Me

A Shadow I Couldn't Resist
Brought Me Upon
A Land
I Could Only Fantasize

When You Spread Your Wings
Darkness Has Never Been So Pretty

To Weak To Hold On
I Wish Not To Wake
For This Is Just A Dream

My Lil Fairy
Why Are You Just A Dream?

The Sun Came Shining
As I Watched Your Shadow
Fly Over Me